Archive for December, 2009

Comment 1980 TV Test Signal - 12/3/09

I thought I could share this with all of you!! I can still hear that irritating tone of this TV test signal. Broadcasts only started late in the afternoons and if you had nothing to do you could stare at this test pattern and get hypnotized for the rest of your life. We are so spoiled nowadays with technologies like MNet, DSTV and Cable. Back in the days we made Television now we watch it.  Enjoy 😉

80's TV Test Signal

Comment 80’s Ads - 12/1/09

Well, if you can remember the clown in this 1980s ad then you were DEFINITELY born in the eighties. I wonder if we could find a way to make Morkel sell their products for Christmas as cheep as they show in this ad? 🙂 Check out these bunch of ads and tell me if you could remember them, I did… 😉

Happy Christmas Holidays!!!

