Author Archive

Comment The A TEAM - 10/3/09

Remember the famous 4, they were the A-Team; BA, Face, Hanibal and Murdock; “Shut up sucker fool” and watch this clip.

B.A Baracus

B.A Baracus

Comment Airwolf - 10/3/09

OH!! Don’t forget about Airwolf, main character anyone? Yes, the OJ from the 80’s, but the role he played was really keeping you to the end of your seat every Friday. Jan Michael Vincent in Airwolf, check it out!

Jan Micheal Vincent

Jan Micheal Vincent



Comment MacGyver - 10/3/09

Remember the main character from MacGyver? Richard Dean Anderson?

Richard Dean Anderson

Richard Dean Anderson

The Afrikaans version of MacGyver is “Boer Maak ‘n Plan!“. He could escape from everything, did his own magic with his Swiss army knife, and yes, David Copperfield learnt from MacGyver 🙂

Enjoy your 80’s…..

Comment Patrick Swayze - 09/21/09

Nobody will forget the Swayze. Patrick one of the successful actors of the 80’s

He started his career as a dancer and then later took on the challenging role as an actor. Yip, he did make it though and was very good at it too. Here are some of his popular movies he played in in the 80’s. I’m sure you can remember it!

Popular 80's movies

Another popular movie by Patrick was Point break where he was the bad guy robbing banks and Keanu Reeves the under cover cop trying to put him behind bars.

Patrick Swayze in Point Break

Patrick had a great life, unfortunately was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. After a 20 month battle he passed away on 14 September 2009.

Patrick Swayze 1952 - 2009

Patrick Swayze 1952 - 2009

Dancer, Heartthrob, tough guy, loving husband, Icon and fighter.

Comment He man and the masters of the universe - 09/17/09

Remember this cartoon character?


It was every boy’s dream to be like he-man. He-man was like Chuck Norris but just the cartoon version 😉 Looking at the clip below, I can’t believe that it could have been entertaining at all, I mean my daughter will not watch more than 5 minutes of this, she will say that “Barney is more entertaining”. Never the less, I have to admit that I enjoyed watching this when I was a kid!